Monday, April 15, 2013

Marriage Mondays ~ Appreciating a Good Dad/Spouse

I've tried, not too hard, but kept in mind, that not everyone reading this has kids.  They are a "touchy subject" in our house sometimes but still my children have ALOT to do with our marriage and how we live and how we treat each other.

For example, this past week between our kids therapy appointments, swimming lessons, school, class trip, birthdays, get togethers, and everything else that's part of a "normal" week for Arnold and I, I didn't get a chance to make my Marriage Monday post beforehand.

Bad Miranda!

I know...

Still, here I am, just after lunch ready to post away and I couldn't think of a good topic.  Nothing was going, "ok, write about this, someone needs to hear/read this".  I'm not saying that happens all the time but I can honestly say I have a few "saved" Marriage Monday posts that are my backups and nothing is pushing me to post about those today.

So instead I'll post about appreciating a good Dad/Spouse.

Ever since our weekend away in January, Arnold and I have tried to reconnect more.  We spend more time together, we are careful with our relationship and we are more understanding of what each other needs.

This weekend was "my" turn to have my needs met. Starting on Thursday night I had more problems than ever with my cell phone.  Arnold spent a few hours backing it up and making it all work better.  But it still had issues on Friday so Friday night Arnold stayed up late and factory-reset my phone.  He made sure it was working perfectly before giving it back to me. 

Arnold was so wonderful to go grocery shopping with me on Friday night.  We got everything we wanted to get at the store (minus 2 things we forgot) and he was wonderful about encouraging me to purchase things we wanted to restock but not always need to. 

On Friday night I planned a get together with some of the youth girls. Which meant our plans as a family to go to Home Depot and do their craft and some shopping weren't going to happen.  This also meant I was taking the car and the boys would be taking the bus.  For Arnold, this is no big deal. But with some extra people (ie my kids) it's sometimes harder.

Arnold met my needs by helping out, being so willing to take the boys still and not worry about anything else and just enjoy this time with the boys.  During the rest of our Saturday together while friends were here he was attentive, wonderful, helpful with the kids.  I love how he interacts with them.

Sunday morning we had some "snuggle time" on the couch.  We both ate our breakfasts and visited about what we had planned for the day, how we were both doing and what we were aiming to get done.  Then, that afternoon he did some fix it jobs for me. 

I may never say this enough, but he really is a wonderful dad/husband.

While the girls and I were out on Saturday I picked up one of those daily calendars.  It's a flip one from the movie "Courageous".  I always look at that days date, and my birthday to see if it's worth getting!

Saturdays date was this:

It's so true.  While I do try to show my husband I appreciate him, it doesn't always happen.  But let me tell you, do I appreciate him?  HECK YES!  And I love him so much more.

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