Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Arnold's New Years Eve Quiz

Arnold's New Year Eve Quiz


1. What’s your favourite game?  -  Splinter Cell
2. What’s favourite book you read? -  Enders Game
3. What would you love to do outside - Cycling
4. Best dessert? - Frozen Raspberry macadamia Pie (minus the crust)
5. What are you good at?  - Sleeping
6. Who is the most important person in your family to you? - My Wife
7. If you could change one thing in your family what would you change? - Nothing....

8. What does your family do for fun? - Go Grocery Shopping
9. What will you do when you grow up? -  Program
10. What's your favourite colour? - burgundy/translucent red
11. What's your favourite movie? -  No Favourite but recent was "Now You See Me"
12. What is your most cherished item? - My wedding Band
13. What is your favourite thing to do at work? -  collaborate
14. What is one thing you want to do this year?  - Move a Basement Wall/Build a Garage

15. What is one thing you want to do for yourself this year?  - Build a garage
16. What is one thing you want to do with your family this year?  -  Going on a "real" family Vacation
17. What is one thing you want to do with the house this year?  - put on heater vents or/and baseboards
18. What is one thing you want to do at work this year?  - Get a particular project through (completed)
19.  What is one more thing you want to do this year?  - Putting 5000 Km on my bike.

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