Sunday, April 7, 2013

Kyler Update! ~ March

I promised myself that at least once a month I would make a post for each of the little men in my life.  Something to tell you what they have been doing and what they enjoy.

This one is for Kyler.

Kyler has now been 8 for a whole month.  In that time things have been a bit crazy (which I'm guessing is actually more "normal" than crazy).

Just before K turned 8 we started him to get assessed with the "Crisis Therapy Group".  They were great with him.  We had our first session right before his birthday and Arnold and I had our "Asses and Predict" session right at the end of March.  Everything is AOK with him.  They do "predict" that he will have some more sad moments and maybe hurt people but we need to keep our boundaries up and our rules to sort of "fence him into a safe place" as they told us.  Over all things are ok with him.

Kyler started to bring home chapter books from school.  The last few have been from the collection called "The Magic Tree House".  He enjoys them, as they are exactly 10 chapters in each book, which means about 1 chapter to 2 chapters a night and he can finish one in a week.  It's so much harder for him to read out loud so sometimes we do a chapter in his head and a chapter out loud.  He has really been enjoying this. 

He also brought home a "Flat Stanley" book.  I loved it!  There was so much he learned (in this one Stanley was in Egypt helping with a dig and catching bad guys).  Lots of new words.  Some harder than others but generally great for him.  I'm excited to see what book he brings home next.

Kyler is also loving the great outdoors.  In the past few weeks he has been wearing his new yellow and black runners.  He has told me, more than once, that they make him go faster.  You should have seen the look on his face when we told him it was time to send his winter coat and snowpants to the back hall and he could wear his new shoes all the time (unless it rained, then his new boots).  He was so excited.

I haven't had him ask for a soccer ball yet but I'm positive it's coming.  We also haven't "found" the soccer balls and outside toys yet.  We did clean the back yard but more of a clean the grass off than find the toys kind of thing.

I keep thinking Kyler hasn't grown that much until he tries on something from last year and I see just how small it is on him.  He hasn't been able to find a spring/summer/rain coat this year.  They are out but he just hasn't found one he likes.  Something is always wrong with them.  I'm *sure* he doesn't get that from me, right?  He put on a pair of size 7 pants the other day and it looked like I had shrunk them in the dryer.  It's not to put it past me but I know I didn't.  They have been around for a while, he just hasn't had them on lately.  I can tell for sure he has grown!  It's now size 8 or even 10's for him. 

Kyler is such a big help with his little brother, who has been having a lot of "Otis Days" as we like to call them.  Kyler is always there to give an extra hug or squeeze or remind him that we all love and miss Otis.  Just a few weeks ago I was doing something downstairs and it got really quiet upstairs.  You know that quiet I'm talking about.  The one where you are *sure* something is wrong?  Well Kyler was snuggling with Q in the back chair reading him a few books.  I love that part too.  They can read to each other.  It's something they both enjoy.

For Kyler's birthday in March we did rock climbing.  Kyler really enjoyed it.  I'm pretty sure Arnold has plans to take the boys again in May sometime.  They are starting to climb everything.  Just last weekend they were told to get out of Papa's tree at least 3 times!

Kyler got to visit with his Godmother Leah, Uncle Pat and baby Grayson.  I have to laugh at this picture every time!  I love Grayson's face, and it matches the look on K's face.  I swear if K looked like that and I looked over I'd have Grayson's look as well!

Well that's my update on Kyler!!

1 comment:

  1. I will have to look for the Flat Stanley books for Liam once he gets reading more. I am SO hoping he loves to read. I love how your boys are leaning on each other for support. It shows they can do it later in life too bc it's what they know. brother will always be there. so heart warming! I've been saying to liam for years. Stop growing! even though I can't wait to see who he becomes and what he does with his life.
