Anyway on Sunday morning it looked like this:
7:15am - I went for a walk/run
7:50am - I got home and the boys were in for a bath
8:15am - I got in the shower after the boys were done
8:30am - Arnold got his shower
8:45am - We headed off to church/grocery store.
We stopped at Metro and I ran in and got some chips, cookies, premade subs, and drinks (disposable drink containers for me to try out for the bike)
We went to church and had a great service.
After church we were going to go to a park near by but I was told it's not a good place to go too so we skipped that. Instead we were going to go to one by our house. We went to return something that Arnold needed to buy to fix the church computer. Just as he was coming out we were going in... in need of a bathroom.
We got to the park by the house and sure enough (as we turned around the car to park) Q told us he had to poop! So off we went home. Q and Arnold went into do a potty break (and grab some mustard). And I got K into the back yard with our groceries and got set up and we had a picnic in our back yard. It was beautiful!
We set up the boys butterfly houses and the bird house K made last summer with Nana and Papa and had alot of fun just hanging out as a family.
The boys went to bed and Arnold and I kept doing things outside. I hung up about 3 loads of laundry and got my hammock done :) And Arnold got his bike a bit cleaner than before.
After nap time we went for a family bike ride of about 5.3kms. We saw a super cute picnic table that was for free on the side of the road. Once we got home I convinced Arnold to go and see if it would 'fit' in the car. A bit later he came home with my new favourite table! Enjoy the photos of us eating our supper on that table last night.

We are super excited to have this! We have added it to our sanding and painting weekend!!
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