Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tri Update!

Last week was a big week for me. I managed to break my 'record' for the week. I exercised 36kms last week. I broke into the 30km's the week before and this week went higher! I'm so proud of myself and how it's going.

This week is a challenge. I'm having a hard time making myself get out of bed in the morning. I am getting better. Now it only takes me an extra 10 minutes to get out of bed compared to not doing it at all. And this week has been WINDY! Who would have guessed! I'm so tired when I get home as well. It's hard to keep moving when you feel like the wind will blow you over.

Yesterday was our biking day. It's a family event. We go to school in the morning as a family. K rides on Arnold's bike on the trail-a-bike, and Q rides on my bike in the back. We really do enjoy it. This week we got there and Arnold had to head home quickly and get the trail-a-bike off and head out to work. Q and I hung out and waited around for K to go into school. It was so windy! So bad that when the doors were closing with the other JK/SK class the door was blown shut on a little girl! Q and I went out on our bike ride and I wasn't any more than 2kms into it and he started to cry that he was cold and wanted to go home. I finished one loop and came home. I didn't want my sick boy getting any sicker because mommy wanted to go out for a ride.

So in exchange for that I'm going to try and get a ride in today. Today will be the first day I have attempted to do everything in one day. I did my walk this morning, I have stroke training this afternoon and then a cycle at the end of the day! Hopefully I can survive.

I'm getting excited to see how this month will look with all my training. I love training with Q on the back of the bike and I love knowing that Q likes being outside. We also did a walk this week with him in the bike stroller because it was too much to get up and out one morning after a crappy sleep because Q was sick. It's nice to have family support.

This past weekend I told some of my family members with mixed responses. My one aunt is super excited for me and I thought she might want to come out, until I told her went it started, hehe. Another family member didn't seem as excited with a responce of "do you really think you can do it?" YES I DO! And I will do it! Even if it takes me all day!

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