Lets see my last post was on Thursday, I think, about spring time. Well the weather sure hasn't let me down, but we have been busy that is a certainty.
Thursday our day went like this:
Arnold did work and K did school in the morning. Home for lunch and a short nap. Then the boys and I got in the car and headed out. We went to a friend from church's father's shop! He did a great job with the boys and never made them keep their heads in the right spot and had a lot of fun. His shop is sooo cool. Next time I am taking photos for sure. We came home and picked up some pizza and had supper. Trevor, the babysitter, came over and Arnold and I went to church and did choir rehearsal. On the way home we stopped and did some grocery shopping then headed home. Arnold drove Trevor home from our house and stopped at Home Depot and picked up something to dig holes, and all the things we would need for our laundry line hanging fun!
Woke up around 7am and I took Q for a bike ride. Arnold worked on some bikes and we played in the back yard. We got a few things done and cleaned up and then went in for breakfast. Our family went to the Good Friday service. It was hard to really pay attention because I totally forgot there was no nursery/Sunday school. We had remembered to bring a bag of Cheerios and I brought some paper and pens from the church office to help occupy them. It worked out ok. We came home and had lunch and packed up some lunch for my family. They got here and quickly unloaded the car and we headed out. We took the TTC and went to the AGO and saw King Tut! I have some cute photos of the boys playing around with some King Tut masks.

When we got home Dad and Arnold worked in the backyard doing the laundry line (which I *love*) and the boys ran between them and the mad dash cleaning going on in our house. When we realized it was 7pm we ordered pizza for supper instead. It was bedtime shortly after.
Super early start again. Arnold and I were on the road by around 7:15am. Dad and Arnold put the hole thing in the car and we headed out. Arnold dropped me off at Walmart and he went to home depot to return that and some things we didn't use. We came home with groceries and took mom and dads car and headed out again to church. Arnold and I had more choir rehearsal while Nana and Papa watched the boys at home and got ready for that afternoon in their Easter outfits. Aren't they cute?

Arnold and I left rehearsal around 11:15am and headed to Tuckers Market place. We did our family photos and had our Easter Lunch there. It was great! I really enjoy that place.

Mom made these super cute carrot candy holders out of scrap booking paper and everyone got one. They are sooo good.

Jack and I left early in hopes of getting home and having an egg hunt but the keys for the house weren't on the set we got so we hung out outside while we waited for everyone to get home and then we hid the eggs and the kids did a hunt

After the egg hunt we just hung out for a bit then did some egg decorating!

Then it was time for cake (cupcakes). The kids had fun trying to blow out the sparklers.

And then we opened up the gifts. Q got lots of fun stuff!

From Aunt B, Uncle James and the girls Q got a little toy car and a GC for Bulk Barn (his Favourite store)

From Nana and Papa he got a new Duplo tray to build things on

From Arnold, Kyler and I he got 2 new Mickey Club House DVD's

From Nana, Papa, and Uncle Jack he got a scooter!

From Great Grandma And Great Grandpa he got a set of cars sheets that Great Grandma made as well as a tooth fairy pillow.
We got a photo of the siblings, the first one in a while.

Uncle Jack set up the scooter:

My sister and BIL and kids headed out and we played with the bubbles in the back yard!

Papa and Arnold finished putting the hardware on the Laundry line and then worked on our dryer. We found some issues in the attic so we fixed it and now it works SOOO well. But before fixing it they had to check out the roof, K went up as well.

K got a little too close to the cupcakes and a bit too excited:

We watched a movie and had the kids head off to bed. Not until we had put our first 'big' load in the dryer of towels.. guess what!

They DRIED! On one load!
Another early morning. Arnold and I were on the road by 7:45am again. We wanted to return a few things but everything but the garden centers are closed and no one is taking returns so no shopping there. Arnold and I headed off to church and had lots of work to do. Nana and Papa watched the kids with Uncle Jack and got them ready for church. They had fun.
We had church and came home with our friend Rachel and we had lunch. Nana, Papa, and uncle Jack headed out and we drove Rachel home. The boys had a nap and I cleaned up a bit and put some laundry out on the line. We are now caught up! We also found out that our neighbour gave us his little old toy for the kids. They love it!

Most expensive part of the laundry line, but it helps alot!

The family went for a bike ride later and had a great time. Then the boys helped Arnold make supper and we enjoyed a family supper. Now Arnold just left to go to church and help out some more. We are watching one of Q's new movie and then it's off to bed for the boys.

There! now you are caught up! I hope you had a wonderful Easter Weekend!
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