Friday, February 6, 2015

What I've Learned in the past 100 days of school

1 - I love each and every one of my 30 something kids!
2 - There are so many boys in my class
3 - I have finally (and I do mean like this week) realized that I have 8 A names and 7 S names (makes doing paper work easier)
4 - Most of my kids know their ABC's now
5 - Sometimes they can add
6 - I love reading to them
7 - I can finally get down some "cool" voices when reading
8 - I miss the afternoon routines
9 - Some of my kids have learned so much in the past 100 days and they are ready for grade 1
10 - Kindy chairs are very small, no matter how long it has been since I sat in one.

11 - K loves being in school, most of the time
12 - K can not be organized at all.
13 - We have organized his desk at least 4 times this year
14 - K loves gym
15 - K is the "supply teacher" for coding on Wednesdays
16 - He is doing swimming lessons with his class
17 - He is finally wearing his snowpants outside (might have to do with the fact that they can't play on the snow hill without them!)
18 - K may not like studying but is doing well at it.
19 - K has done great on most of his tests, but forgets to bring them home a lot!
20 - K is doing well with coming home on his own from school

21 - I love winter but I'm not sure about all this snow
22 - I'm always surprised how much fun the kids have in the snow
23 - I'm slightly grossed out about the kids eating snow... even though I did it when I was younger
24 - The kids love to play with the snow on the wall and "draw" pictures
25 - I love the reaction that kids give when they finally get something... like snow angles
26 - Every time it snows I hear in my head "If all the snow flakes were candy bars and milk shakes oh what a snow that would be...."
27 - Some children need to learn to dress faster!
28 - I think it's great how fast the kids get into a routine (ABC's or 123's at the gate)
29 - Sometimes I'm happy it's too cold out and we get to play longer
30 - I love the staff I work with outside!  They are amazing!

31 - My kids are great at learning songs to sing for the Holiday Concert
32 - They are good at colouring their monthly pictures
33 - Some of them have finally learned what their names look like
34 - I love how the children grow each and every day
35 - the kids had cute costumes for the concert
36 - We practice a lot of our poems or songs outside at lunch
37 - I like learning the songs along with the kids
38 - The kids love learning about new things, Hanukkah, Christmas, etc.
39 - I'm surprised how many kids had never seen a Christmas Tree
40 - The kids love Dance Parties!

41 - November is the best "down month" we have had so far
42 - We had I've never read so many "winter" themed books
43 - The sand box can easily be changed to a "wood pelt" box.
44 - Children can have fun with just boxes
45 - I love that things become "new" when the boxes go away ever few weeks and come back
46 - This year, the children can't seem to keep toys in the right boxes
47 - Straws are the coolest thing to Kindy's
48 - There are more books for American Thanksgiving than Canadian Thanksgiving
49 - Halloween is so much fun with the kids
50 - Almost everyone wears costumes, or bring extra costumes

51 - Some of our parents are amazing!
52 - Kids love the snow table
53 - I'm never surprised and how much the kids forget after a long weekend
54 - First report cards for the SK's are such an exciting time
55 - It's always interesting seeing how the kids are doing in their review
56 - Some kids are great with "homework"
57 - Library is one of my favourite times, even if I don't go
58 - Every once and a while the kids have it all together!
59 - Every once and a while the parents have it all together :)
60 - Once a month I need to empty the mailers from some of the kids.

61 - Q thinks his class is the best ever!
62 - He loves all his classes all the time
63 - I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop with him
64 - Q is reading more and more books every day, and he keeps going
65 - Q is very excited about what he will be learning in the next few grades.
66 - He is doing really well in swimming lessons
67 - Q loves his after school Cooking Club and Basketball
68 - Q has a great teacher
69 - He loves his Chess club he joined at school with Mr. V
70 - Q is in that "perfect age" that he can still give me kisses and hugs at school

71 - The people I work with are generally AWESOME!
72 - It's always surprising how many of them are overworked
73 - There are a lot of stupid things happening in schools and most people don't know it
74 - Some people lead the school and others drag their feet
75 - It's been over a year since I fell and I still cling to the banisters while going down the stairs
76 - There are a lot of stairs in the school!!
77 - The photocopier is one of those things that can like you or dislike you... most of the time it dislikes me
78 - After seeing classroom budgets and learning how much paper costs I'm always careful on how much wasted paper I have
79 - I love talking with the other staff
80 - My favourite time in school has to be the couple days before school starts (I realized the don't count for 100 days but still!)

81 - The first day of school is always a scary one
82 - At least the crying stops :)
83 - Kids grow!  More shoes are needed!
84 - Days 1-5 drive me crazy!  I never remember what days we are on!
85 - The new layout of the classroom still confuse me but it looks amazing!
86 - Reading with the SK's is one of those amazing things
87 - I can officially stuff the "I can read" and "Alphabet book" in less than 20 minutes
88 - Blocks are the favourite thing in our classroom right now
89 - We are very lucky to have a great art ECE and the kids are really enjoying it
90 - I love doing bulletin boards.. shh don't tell anyone :)

91 - Our school has growing pains but it is one amazing place to be
92 - The kids that eat healthy lunches are my favourite!
93 - I've dealt with lots of accidents this year (for the first 15 days of school we had more accidents than school days)
94 - Puke is where I cross the lines and remind myself I'm a volunteer
95 - I still don't want to go back and get my ECE... I want to be a volunteer for as long as I can
96 - I'm very blessed to be working at the school for lunches.
97 - Some days I love being at school more than being at home
98 - I love themed reading books (currently working with 100's day books and V-day books)
99 - Sometimes you find something that works in the classroom and sometimes you don't
100 - This school/class is the best place ever :)

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