Anyway I started to organize everything in things that are just for Kyler, just for Quinton, involve or are for our whole family, and a bag for Arnold's things (before he met me) a bag for My things (before I met arnold) and a box for University things. Really it sounds like alot but it wasn't. I managed to find some more wedding things (that I as hoping to find and put with the wedding box) and some things from our honeymoon. I was so excited to have somewhere to start. I figued I could wait for the wedding scrapbook (esp since my mom helped me with my delema of doing it all over again and is giving me a box with matching paper for it!) so I'm working on our honeymoon!
For those who don't remember or have ever known Arnold and I honeymooned.... HERE! how weird is that? We had our honeymoon here in Toronto and surounding area and now we live here. We had a few days here, I think 2 of 3, then headed back to Sarnia for a night or so and then we were off to Edmonton in the Neon. Our good old silver 2002 Neon.
Anyway after finding our 'stuff' from the honeymoon (ticket stubs, maps, ect.) I wanted some photos. For my graduation from University my parents gave me a digital Camera (I graduated about 1 month before we got married) and I was so excited about it. I knew our photos were digital but I couldn't find them anywhere! It sucked alot! I went through our hard drive and then started to ask Arnold if he knew of any 'old' photos. He had 1 zipped folder of DVD's from a long time ago. We started going through some that he had in his computer box. A few chuckables later we found the DVD (one I was going to pass over) and it had our honeymoon photos! I'm so excited about it!
I've spent the morning deleteing ones that weren't in focus, fixing some and editing them and now they are on their way to be printed off so I can pick them up on Friday to get ready for my scrapbooking weekend!
Just to give you an idea of our honeymoon, enjoy the following photos:
We got married May 22nd and on May 23rd we headed to Toronto (after a brunch at my parents house) We drove Lyle to his friends house and we headed into TO!
This was our first view of the CN Tower!

We went up the CN Tower, I don't remember what day, but this is the view of the Toronto Islands:

The next day we went to Niagra Falls. We went on the Maid of the Mist. This is us just before getting on. Arnold was annoied with the people taking the photo and how they can't use a digital camera:

This is "The Little Maid"

We went up something else and got to see the Falls from up high! We happen to run into Arnold's parents here. These are a few photos I got from up there:

The last day we went to the African Lion Safari before heading to my sisters place for supper and visiting. Here's some photos of us there:

We went to my parents house for a few nights to pack up and head home. We got up SUPER early in the morning and headed out. We drove to get on the Ferry that takes us a good chunk of the way through Ontario.
This is Arnold sitting outside having breakfast while waiting to get on:

This is a photo once we got past the ferry and I'm thinking we were in SK or so:

And this last photo looks like the one of Arnold eating breakfast at the ferry but we figured that this was the best and cheapest way to do it! We would get up early, head out (assuming the hotel we were at didn't have breakfast) and have breakfast on the road. I think this is another breakfast, but we also did lunches this way as well!

Now my goal this weekend.... Scrapbook our honeymoon!
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