Saturday, November 28, 2009

a "Ruprise"

I know I don't normally post on Weekends but this just popped into my mind and I had to share.


Last night while I was pulling some more Peanut Butter Cookies out of the oven I hear this conversation going on in the living room.

K - "Dad, can we give mom her prize?"
A - "Her prize?" (I want to point out that right about now I knew Arnold was getting worried/nervous and I realized what was going on and kept very quiet)
K - "Yeah, her prize! no no ruprise!"
A - "I'm not sure what you are talking about"
K - "Daaad, you know.. her ruprise! We got it for her at the"
A - (cutting off K) "No no Kyler, that's a surprise and it's for Christmas"
K - "But Dad the leaves are off the trees" (we have been telling him that when the leaves are off the trees, snow will come and then Christmas)
A - "I know K, but it's not time for Christmas yet. We will give it to Mommy at Nana and Papa's house"
K - "ok"
A - "But remember boys, no telling Mommy what it is until then, ok?"
K - "ok"
Q - "yep!"

I was *killing* myself in quiet laughter in the kitchen. That was SOOO funny. I guess that last weekend while I was gone they had a good time getting things done around here. Now if Arnold can only keep the boys from saying anything we are good!

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