Since I didn't know what was on his list (I forgot to ask in time) I picked him up something way before. And it happen to have a talking car! What more could a boy of 5 years old want?!?
While walking through Zellers I found a talking car game. The game is called Monopoly Town. If you have never heard of it before it goes something like this.
Instead of having your own pieces (like shoes, thimbles ect) you just go with the car. You start him on a circle track outside the board game and push his head down. He tells you how many spaces to go and you move him along with it. If you land on a 'normal' spot you put a block down. There are numbers to tell you how many blocks that spot needs (between 1 and 4). If you are putting on the last block (aka the first block on the 1 spots, or the 4th block on the 4 spots) you put a roof on as well of your colour and you 'own' that spot now. If someone else lands on it you pay rent (according to the number that is in front of it). There are more rules but you get the gist.
anyway we have played this game at least 2 times a day since he got it. We played a game today when we were all done lunch, bubbles and cake.
I snagged some photos. enjoy:

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