This morning the kiddos woke up early... in fact 1am early. K was up with a bad dream screaming about something. Arnold went in and soothed him and then we went back to sleep, shortly after Q started to scream. His arm fell asleep (he was asleep when Arnold put him in bed and then blankets and whatnot got twisted around his arm and he couldn't get out) and was upset. Got him back to sleep. Around 3:30am K freaked out again, this time so bad that Arnold brought him to bed with us. And let me tell you he is not an easy child to sleep with (heck none of our kids are, I feel sorry for their future wives!). K had a very fitful sleep for about 1 hour or so. It was one of those that Mom's would understand. I had to be rubbing his hand, head, tummy, back or legs for him to stop freaking out about something going on in his head. I felt so bad for him. He finally got some sleep and I had Arnold move him back to his own bed around 4:45am.
We slept until Q came to visit around 7am. It was just one of 'those' nights/days. So in turn we were so tired in the morning. Thankfully Arnold had the day off of work so we didn't have to deal with him going in and dealing with being tired.
We got up and took our time getting moving. We decided that our weekend would change a bit after the forecast so this changed our day. Instead of going to the ROM we went to the Black Creek Pioneer Village today. Our goal was to see the maple syrup and how it was made. The Village is a great place to visit and we really enjoyed it (It's like Fort Edmonton), but it's better in the summer time. I think that would be more enjoyable. As for the Maple Syrup it would be better to go to the conservation areas. They are so much more informative and alot of things for the kids to see.
We packed up in the morning and we got our snacks and drinks ready. Then we went out. I grabbed the camera as the last thing and headed out the door... We got there and I went to take my first photo (the kids up against the van) and I realized there was no camera card in there! I got so confused this morning posting the blog and checking the camera card to find no photos that I forgot to take the card out. Opps! My wonderful, incredible, levelheaded husband went and found me a new card. There is 'only' room for 332 photos so I didn't take alot but I did get some!
The kids and I headed into the village while Arnold went to get the new card. We really didn't get too far (the cool things going on for the March Break) and then outside but it was still fun. We waited to Daddy, which didn't take long, and then we set off to see everything. One of the first things K wanted to see was those photos of animals that you put your heads into:

After that everything was about the animals. We had to find them. So after a few moments to regroup and find where we were on the map we headed out to find the animals:

After this little trip we stopped at the school house so the kids could remember what it was like:

Then off to a Church (since we had missed Kids Klub)

While walking around and checking out stuff we found this door that led to the ground. We figured it was the cold cellers but after listening to a few people we might think it's the cript (sp). Either way the picture works!

We had basically made our route around the village by noon so we waited around. We checked out a few more things then went back to the Maple Sugar presentation. It was good, short but good. Then we had our sample. While we were doing the presentation Q fell asleep in my arms. But there's nothing like some pure maple syrup to kick start a 2 year old back into action!

After the presentation was over we got in line for the horse rides (wagon really) around the village. When we were waiting in line the kids got to try out a few 'toys' from back then:

I also got some good photos of some buildings. They are beautiful. I think Arnold and I have decided to come back this summer (or next) and see the place in bloom with all the flowers. I'm sure it is beautiful!

Then back to the main building for our 'breakfast'. It was really good! The kids enjoyed it.

Once we finished up and washed all the stickyness off the kids and Arnold went back to the special area for March break. They played around with toys while I checked out the gift shop.

Notice how there is only 1 photo of the dominos game? That's because Arnold joined in and didn't take any more photos, he had too much fun playing around!
We went home after that. Well home with a detour. We had to stop at Arnold's work and get a pager for him. He forgot that he had prime this weekend so I went in and grabbed it for him. Then we headed home (after K knocked out in the car) and asked the kids to have a 'nap'. HAHAHAHAHA these kids napping is not possible!
K slept in the car for a while then came back out and sat with me on the couch for a bit. Amber and Quinton came out of the bedroom and everyone went outside to play in the backyard for a bit. Arnold headed out to Floor Hockey at church and is going to a movie tonight with a friend. I cleaned up a bit (Mom and Dad I don't think you will notice but I *swear* I did) then made our 'picnic' supper! The kids really enjoyed it while watching a movie.

Once the movie was done everyone went into the bath and I started another load of laundry. I should have just 1 more load to do then we should be caught up (at least as far as washing Amber's clothes go). We watched one more movie and then off to bed. The kids are in bed asleep now at 10pm! I'm good with that.
Our funny Moment of the day:
When we got to BCPV there was someone talking to us about the tall horses. The guy was telling us that his horses were so tall, taller than her (Amber)
Amber - they must be as tall as my daddy. He is tall
the guy - maybe! the might be taller than daddy
Amber - no way, daddy is tall
the guy - well you should hook up a sled to daddy and have him pull you around like the horses
I just about fell over laughing!
Our plans for tomorrow (Saturday):
I wanted to get our blog updated for today because I don't know if I will have time tomorrow! Nana and Papa are coming down to visit and we are going to the ROM with everyone. After that I might take Nana shopping! Then on Sunday we have church and Amber goes home. I'm not sure how the boys will take it but we will see.
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