This morning for breakfast the kids had captain crunch and peanut butter and sprinkle sandwiches. IT was yummy for them! After breakfast we worked on getting some blogging done while the kids played with the duplo again. We had more fights about things, like who gets what and who plays with what but it was fine.
We got dressed and moved onto colouring! The kids got out their gifts from Great Grandma and Great Grandpa. They got little re-colourable animals! I got a fish, Kyler got a lady bug, Amber got a butterfly and Quinton got a turtle.

While the kids were getting their animals coloured I put some decorations on around the house and pulled out our St. Patrick's Day Decorations!! Thanks to Nana we had some cups, hats and some window decorations. The kids had a great time playing with them.
We also did our first big craft! We made our picture frames. I know creative! But we did good. I was able to snag the tops off the pizza boxes from our pizza night on Monday and made them into some photo frames for the kids. Each of the children got to pick whatever kinds of decorations they wanted to use! So we had alot of fun! Here are the finished projects:

This is Q playing with his hat for St. Pat's day! If you watch carefully he takes the little balls from their frames and puts them in his hat to 'hide them'.

During this time Amber had a break down. She started to cry out of the middle of no where and didn't know why. Now I will be honest, we have a rule in our house if we can't use our words about crying you have to sit in your room until you are happy or can tell Mommy or Daddy whats wrong. I let Amber cry until Quinton 'reminded' me that she had to go to her room until she was happy. So off she went. The crying stopped and eventually turned into the crying to make sure someone is hearing me and not forgetting (all our kids have done that, as have we) and no matter who went in to make her feel better it wasn't good, she didn't care.
Around 11:30am I went in and was getting the boys clothes ready (green clothes) and I asked her what was wrong, she said she didn't know, and then changed her mind to I miss my mommy. I told her mommy was working and we couldn't call her. But that we were going to McDonald's and I asked if she wanted to go. Well sure enough that made the tears go away!
We got dressed and headed out (after combing hair and 'fixing' the hats so they didn't fly off). We went to the bank first to deposit some money then off to McDonald's. I have found that if we play 'follow the leader' we get much further with the kids. It's great! They listen and have a lot of fun.
My Little Leprechauns

Our whole reason to go to McDonald's was to go to the play area so off we went! It was alot of fun for them to play. I only managed to get 1 photo because of the amount of kids and such, I didn't want to get anyone else's children in.

We came home and had a nap. We *had* to have a nap, not because I wanted one but because if they didn't we were not going to be going to go swimming when Arnold came home. It took a bit (like 1 hour) but they did take a nap eventually. After our nap, which was around when Arnold got home (his first cycling ride of the season), we went outside to play. I went on another ride around the block on the bike and then made supper.
Did you know that Princesses, Shrek (and cast), and Spider man (and cast) can get along at my house! Who knew!

After supper we had a 'fashion show' of our swimming suits and we got ready to go. We packed up our Girls bag and boys bag and we headed out to swimming! It was a lot of fun. Amber and Kyler can hit the bottom so they did really good. When we got home we watched Bolt and we had our St. Patty's Day Dessert.... Green Pudding! Everyone got changed into their pjs and they all brought their dolls/monkey to watch the movie as well

All in all it was a good day. They even fell asleep before I did (thank goodness Arnold was still awake) but I would guess around 10:30pm.
We did have a few sad moments, I don't think they have kicked in yet, but Pumpkin Died. He was doing well in the bowl alone but as soon as we put him in with Nemo it was horrible. Nemo is a bully! Anyway this leads into todays (Thursday's) plans. We hope to go and get a new fish.
Our Funny Moments:
This one was actually from our Zoo day I forgot to write about :
Me - ok guys lets go to the zoo!
Amber - are we walking there?
Me - no
Amber - oh good!
*amber holding the receipt from our swimming lessons*
Me - hold tight I need it for my taxes
Amber - what are your taxes
Me - things I have to pay, everyone has to pay them
Amber - not my mommy
Me - really? Why not?
amber - because she sold them to someone else and they are giving them to someone else
Me - oh lucky her
We got out of swimming and we were in the car and the kids started to tell us stuff:
Amber - the moon is shrinking
Me - the moon is shrinking? why?
Quinton - someone is EATING it!! I hungry!
Kyler - the man on the moon!
amber - NO there is no man on the moon, it's shrinking!
Arnold - I think it looks like a smile
All the kids - oh yeah.... ok
Another one, this started on Monday and I don't remember if I wrote about it or not... but On our way to Costco we went past a water tower. Kyler was all excited but Amber couldn't understand why. I explained that the water tower holds all the water and when we flush the toilet it gives us more water from the water tower. Amber explained they don't' have a water tower, just pipes under the ground.
But now every time the kids flush the toilet they come running out going "THE WATER TOWER FILLED IT AGAIN!!!!!! YEAHHHH"
Our plans for Today (Thursday):
Swimming lessons at 3:30pm
Decorate our hats
Go to Uncle A's work and get a new fish
Bath time at night
Friday is our big day, Arnold has the day off of work and we are going to go to the ROM!
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