Our morning started with Q waking up around 8am. Amber was shortly after around 8:40am and I finally woke up K at 9am or so to get our day moving. We got everyone dressed and peanut butter and sprinkle sandwiches in their bellies!

We were going to try to get to Toys R Us and find some new sheets to do our Duplo work on (since 2 is not enough for 3 kids) but there wasn't any time. Instead we went right to Costco, where Amber informs me she has *never ever* been before. We then trucked along on our shopping trip. We had some cute conversations and some fun time. A few hundred dollars later we were done that trip! We did have one minor issue. On the way back to the car K wasn't watching where he was going and his foot got ran over by the cart and his shoe came off. We got over that quickly.
We drove to Walmart and did our next set of shopping (got almost everything, we still need to sneak out and pick up a few more things). We had 1 potty emergency, 3 kids begging to see fish (so we did) and a bit more fun. We managed to buy shoes for Q but leave them at the till. I had to call and have them put aside for me!
When we were finished there I went to the gas station and filled up then headed back home. Once we got home, around 1:30pm or so we had our lunchables (thank goodness for those) and then played for a bit. I put the kids down for a nap. They did more talking than napping until all at once the sounds stopped! The had knocked out completely! While they rested I 'restocked' my kitchen. Take a look:

While doing this I found some 'food bank donations'

Under the clock, on the table, I put things we are using this week. This weeks' include these:

Fridge and Freezer:

They slept until around 4:15pm who was Q the first to get up, around 4:45pm it was Amber then for Kyler I went in around 5pm and started to wake him up. Arnold was still on his way home from work but the kids were excited that he was going to bring them to the back yard to fit a bike to Amber so we could go out for a bike ride.

Running to give Daddy/Uncle A a kiss and hug:

The kids got to go for a quick bike ride then Arnold took them to Walmart to get the shoes, then to Toys R Us to get the a new pad (which they didn't have so they got a bus instead), and then home. By the time they got home some of our C&C friends were on their way. We had pizza for supper and let the kids play with their new toys. Claudia, a friend from C&C and church, brought the kids some new toys. K got a keyboard with a microphone which he LOVES, Q got some paper and markers that only work on that paper, and Amber got bubbles that smell like grape pop! It was so sweet of her and they were super excited.
We finally put them down to bed around 9:30pm or so and they talked until closer to 11pm.
Our Funny Moments:
Amber and I were talking in Walmart and we had a cute conversation:
Me - I need a glue gun! I lost the one I got for your Mommy's wedding
Amber - you were at the wedding?
Me - yep, I was her maid of honour
Amber - cool! I wasn't there
Me - why not?
Amber - because I was a baby and I was home with a babysitter, I wasn't allowed to go, but next time I'll go!!
At night when the C&C group were at the house Amber was saying hi to everyone. She had fun. Eventually she asked me for something and called me "Auntie M" (which is what I'm called) and it took a few seconds then I got asked "Is Auntie M what she calls you?" YEP! That got a good laugh!
Our plans for Today (Tuesday)
Go to the zoo - done!
Have a nap - HA they are so not tired!
Do a craft or 2
Have supper
Go for a bike ride
Watch a movie
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