This morning when we got up the boys watched a movie while Arnold started their breakfasts. I do mean breakfasts. Kyler had 3 helpings of chocolate pancakes. Quinton had 2 bowls of oatmeal, and 2 helpings of pancakes. The boys can pack it way for sure! After they got their fillings Kyler and I got dressed and headed out.
Our first stop was the Faith Family Book Store. It's a Christian book store in Scarborough. I returned a book and pre-orderd a new one. Then Kyler found an Adventures in Odyssey DVD and I picked up 2 books from their Clearance Section for 1.99 each!
We went from there to Zellers, then to Play it Again Sports, the grocery store, subway and then home. The whole time looking for skates. We found some from Play it Again Sports for Kyler and myself. It was wonderful!!
Then we got home and found out a few extra things. We needed helmets, and special ones. Csomethingsomething approved. We managed to find some helmets but they weren't approved at all.
Anyway we got home, at our lunch and talked about it. The boys were going to be getting their skates for their birthdays/christmas gifts.
After running around all over we ended up with:
My skates ($36.99) from Canadian Tire
Quintons two-blade skates from Zellers ($7.99) and helmet ($45.99) from Just Hockey
Kyler's helmet($54.99) and skates ($19.99) from Play it Again Sports
Arnold's skates ($54.99) from Play it Again Sports
It's crazy and costly but it was a good trip. We ended up with everything we needed for skating by 4pm! pretty good! The last few things (helmet for Quinton after calling a million and one places to find one) were purchased while the boys slept at home and I hung out so we did manage to get a nap in as well!
Like our skates?:

We went skating at Scarborough Centennial Recreation Centre. We did their Mini Skate (for parents and kids under 10) and part of their Family skate (anyone under 19 with parents). We got there at 6:15pm and didn't leave until 7:45pm. We had alot of fun! I haven't been skating in forever! It's crazy! I had fun though!
The boys enjoyed themselves sooo much!

Kyler wants to go back and see this guy tomorrow early!

Near the end (after I went around about once and Arnold had gone around about 6 times with random children) of my first lap the boys wanted to hang out in the middle and work on skating on their own! There was ALOT of falling but Kyler had a wonderful time! He did great! He loved skating and hopefully can try again tomorrow. Quinton went around once or twice with Arnold and came and skated on his own in the middle. They had a blast! Not too many photos (sorry about that) but they weren't really allowed on the ice and I didn't get to take too many either! Hopefully I can get some more tomorrow!
We manged to get the boys skates with their Christmas money and hopefully some Birthday money will cover their helmets and anything else we had to buy. But they LOVE skating so it's totally worth it. I now understand why places like Play it Again Sports exists! I can see us using them alot. Next winter it will end up being Skiing! I'll be saving for that sort of money!
This will become our new weekend plans! Every Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon! I'm excited! There are even some Parents and Tots skating on Thursdays and some Tuesday afternoons!
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