Today's meal was something I wasn't really looking forward too, for that matter the only reason I was doing it was that I was hoping I could be out of the house for this meal. The truth is I'm not much of a 'fish stick' person. BUT since my kids LOVE fish sticks and Arnold will eat them as well I figured that Fish Stick Pizza would be ok for them. But, for some reason, tables turned on me and *I* was home for the fish stick meal, not Arnold.
However... that being said... they were good. I'll admit when I got to the last bite I was kinda wigged out by the 'fishy' taste.
Prep: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Approx 18 breaded frozen fish sticks
1 can of pizza sauce
approx 4 oz of shredded pizza cheese - mozzarella is good
Shredded Basil or other herbs.
1 - Preheat oven to 425F. Place frozen fish sticks on a 2 quart baking dish. Spoon the pizza sauce over the fish sticks and top with cheese. Bake for 20 minutes, or until heated through. Top with shredded basil or other herbs if you wish.
As I said they were good until I got to the last bite... then it was too much for me. The boys however.. LOVING it! I'm happy for them.
Now here's the 'reader interaction'. I took some photos and I would like thoughts. Mom, I already know yours...hehe...
As it was pointed out to me by my mom I'm not using flash (makes the food look too.... weird) but she suggested I do the custom white balance. So I took some photos... let me know what you think

This photo was taken on auto white balance:

This was the photo we used to make the white balance with (It's actually my non-white wall but it's the closest I had!)

And this photo was taken with the custom white balance:

Which do you prefer?
Tomorrow is our 'day of rest' before our craziness continues for the rest of the week. Thursday is 100 days of school for K and we are maybe picking up my parents new car. Friday is v-day/Chinese new year for K and us and we maybe picking up my parents car. Either way it begins our busy weekend. Hopefully tomorrow I can get up a whole shrew of photos I took today!
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