My Dad:

When my Dad comes to visit my children are SOOOOOOO excited. Their new found favourite part of Papa's visits are the Bulk Barn runs. I'm not sure what Papa does to make it so cool but it is. Even if I give them the option to come with me the day before they would rather wait for Papa to go with them. This visit, unlike their last when we were still moving in, was a bit more relaxed. I can always tell when Dad is getting a bit antzy. If something comes up, that he might be able to fix, he goes right to it. This weekend it was the lazy boy chairs. One is tighter than the other and it takes more effort to hold it down in the laying position. Dad immediately turned it over and started to inspect. When lead to the other lazy boy chair being turned over as well. Little did Papa realize but Quinton was keeping a close eye on him and this morning has asked more than once that he turn the chairs over and fix them like Papa. I have manged to 'sooth' his wantings with his little foam chair instead!
My Husband:

This weekend Arnold got to spend more time in his server box than before. He did some work on there fixing it and putting in new parts to help it run better. He got to chat it up with my father about things that were going on in the news (I don't care for the news) and around Sarnia and work. They talked cars (again something I don't really care about) and have a nice relaxing weekend. On the weekends it is Arnold's job to cook. He did a wonderful job of cooking pork chops, potatoes and asparagus. I'm proud to say even though he doesn't cook much Arnold can cook for sure. He is incredible in the kitchen. Arnold also did sound this weekend at Church and was asked to begin taking over the sound board. Normally not something he would jump at but he has been feeling led to this lately. We are so excited for him. Arnold also got to go on a 'date' with Kyler last night. They went to the church's party for the Super Bowl. K and Arnold stayed until half time when Arnold brought K home since he was getting sleepy and it was close to his bed time( around 8:30p,). Arnold went back and enjoyed the rest of the party. He always surprises me with how much energy he has and how willing he is to learn things (like football).
My Oldest Man:

Kyler has become such a man lately. He is always wanting to do things that the older boys are doing and is beginning to 'understand' so much more. Arnold and I are at the point where we have to watch what is being said around him. This weekend Kyler spent most of his time trying to get his beloved Nana to play with him. We didn't realize until after they had been here most of their visit that Nana had hurt her arm and shouldn't be doing ANYTHING. But yet she still played with the boys. Kyler was my cooks helper this weekend for our new dessert. He helped to mix everything and did such a wonderful job. (again photos later) Kyler also got to go to the Super Bowl with his Dad. He was so excited that he got to something with the men from church. I'm glad he got to enjoy something like the 'big boys'.
My little Man:

Quinton got to go to his favourite place this weekend, Bulk Barn. He was so excited to go with Papa and his Bulk Barn Bag! He loves that store, even more so with Papa. Quinton was so excited to have his treats. He picked out airplanes to eat. He played with Papa, coloured in his colouring books and even helped cook. After church we went out for lunch with Nana and Papa and we hung out at home in the afternoon. Quinton and I got to stay home and hang out with each other while the other boys went to the SBG. Quinton got to eat his Bulk Barn treats and watch a movie. He really enjoyed the time alone.
The Men in my life always make me smile.
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