Thursday, February 11, 2010

100.... lost things?

Today was K's 100th day of school (well 98th if you count the 'slush' day they had and the one day he took off to be with his Grandma V from out west). He had so much fun today.

He seems to be fighting off a cold so today wasn't his top shape day but he had fun none the less. K brought his 100 Cinnamon Hearts (or Hot Hearts as Q calls them) and they got to count to 100 alot. They played lots of games and he now knows *100, *200, *300, *400, *500.

I was told some of the games were about lots of 10's squished into a ball making 100. Another was about using soccer balls and 10 people kicking the balls 10 times each making 100 kicks. It sounds as if each teacher (and some helpers) had different sets of games going on and each person went to each game. Any way that it worked out Kyler had alot of fun!

As far as the lost things... I've lost things! It's crazy how much you have lost. I can't find my new DL and my debit card and 40.00 cash I had. I've looked in all my pockets, the laundry (thanks for that idea Lindsay, I found 2.00), my coats, and now the Master Bedroom is out of play. I'm slowly working through the rest of the house. But it bugs me! I just had all of these items in the last week (debit card and DL on Saturday and money on Monday). ahhhh hopefully I can find them soon. But I have to admit. The more I look the more I find things that I've lost or misplaced... I'm positive I will reach that 100 mark soon.

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