Thursday, July 8, 2010

To my future Daughter-in-laws

To my future Daughter-In-Laws,

I will always remember the time the boys really started to talk about you. They were 5 and 3 and it was the beginning of July 2010. We were in the car on the way to the zoo and somehow we got on the topic of what the boys would like to do when they were older. Our conversation went something like this:

Kyler - When I grow up and am a parent (aka adult) I am going to go and work with Daddy at his office

Quinton - When I grow up I am going to work with Mommy and my babies!

Me - Wow Quin! how many babies will you and your wife have.

Quinton - she will have 2! I'm going to love my babies!

Kyler - My wife will have lots of babies!

Me - Quinton will you have boy babies? girl babies? or a boy and a girl?

Quinton - boys and girls!

Me - wow! And Kyler will you have boys or girls?

Kyler - I will have 10 babies! lots of brothers and sisters!

Me - That's great! I'm sure God will give you a perfect wife for those babies. Will you guys come and visit me with your babies?

Quinton - no! your house will be full with Kyler's babies.

Me - Oh hunny, I will always have room at my house for your babies and kyler's babies, and everyone's babies! It will be a big house like Nana and Papa's house (for those of you who don't know my parents move from a nice 3 bedroom house to a 4 bedroom house with more floor space and a pool and hot tub).

Quinton - no mommy! even nana's house won't fit all of us

Kyler - yeah you will need a bigger bigger house!

Quinton - I can build it 'cause I will be a worker man!!

Me - wow that's great! So I get lots of grandbabies and a new house!

Kyler - yeah I can't help!

Me - why not?

Kyler - I will be too busy helping Daddy. He needs lots of help you know, that's why he works so late.

Those boys light up my life. I began praying for you girls from that moment on just a bit harder. Esp Kyler's future wife. I'm praying God gives you just the right amount of children. I did leave out in there that Kyler kept naming them all. They all started differently but ended with a weird combo of letters to make up a random sound I have never heard before!

And then, after those heart warming moments I am reminded that they are still my babies. As tonight at the bath tub the reminded me again. After forcing Q to get in and him enjoying a nice hour and a half in the tub we found them screaming about something. Arnold and I figured it was a bug (oh yeah ladies, you must be 'super strong' and be able to 'use your big muscles' to kill bugs as these boys are still working on mastering that, hopefully when you meet them they are much better at it). But when Arnold arrived we found out that Quinton had swallowed some shampoo. I'm worried about those bubbles in his poor belly. Again, he is only 3 now so I guess it's to be expected.

Thankfully God will give me a few (hopefully around 20 or so ) more years to straighten these boys out so they are ready for my wonderful daughter-in-laws. I'm praying for you daily, that God will give you the strength to love them as much as we do and to deal with their.... faults?


Your mother-in-law

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