Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thanks to the Magic School Bus

We, in the Visser household, LOVE The Magic School Bus. Every small bus that we pass is a possible Magic School Bus. We just have to see if The Friz is driving!

We have alot of the movies and we love watching them over and over and over and over and... well you get the point. At the end of one of the movies it has a little 'disclaimer' about water. One of the callers talks about how his Mom and him did an experiment and put water in a glass jar with a tight lid and froze it over night (in a ziplock bag). This caused the jar to crack.

Ever since we have watched it Q has wanted to try it. We finally had a glass jar (thanks to a Subway stop before the train ride back to Toronto for Daddy) that we could use and we tried it just a few days ago.

Daddy helping K get the jar in the bag

Q checking it out

K SO proud of his bag with the glass jar in there.

In the freezer it goes!

Check in on it after a few moments... nope not frozen yet!

Are you sure?

Daddy and Q being cute!

ok OT but that night we told the boys to put their creations somewhere that wouldn't get broken. Shortly after the boys went to bed I found Q's robot in it's "safe place"
The bathroom!

K checking it in the morning. And yes it was that hot he only slept in his tiggers

Is it ready?

Daddy helping to get it down/out

Humm I guess we should open it!

No cracks! But the lid did something funny!

We had to explain that the water pushed the lid up and off so it could expand inside the jar.

No fun!

We did it again the next day. We put the jar outside in the bag to melt it and it was completely melted in about... 1 hour! That's how hot it was last week. That night they froze the jar again. This time Arnold used some tools to tighten the lid as much as he could. The next morning we found this:

It cracked!

So cool!

I'll fully admit Arnold and I looked at each other to check if one of us cracked it, just so the experiment would be over. But nope! We both didn't do it!

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