Friday, August 6, 2010

Camp Heslop 2010 Day #5

It sounds like Q is ready to come and see us. I miss him alot too! Here's mom's update:

The house went up; they bounced; the house went down. Somewhere in there the campers ate 9 peanut butter and sprinkle sandwiches, three jugs of juice, Kraft dinner, hot dogs, carrots, apples, grapes; we went through 8 towels; two sets of clothes each; one Atlantis DVD (x2); one tea party; one playdough session; one weight training session; two swimming sessions and finally it is 9:32 p.m. and they are just settling into bed. I want to say THE END but I would probably get nasty calls from the camper’s parents and with my short memory by time the morning came around I couldn’t remember all the things we did, so hang on here we go.

Jason arrived with the bouncy house at 8:00 a.m. the campers were all ready hanging off the back of the sofa waiting for him to arrive. No one wanted to eat breakfast because they were so excited. This was a good thing because a trip to the deep freezer revealed that there was no bread. Uncle Jack had to make a quick trip to the corner store to get us some supplies for the day, before he headed off to work. Watching the house being set up was really interesting, it took very little time. Then we had to go outside and listen to Jason tell us the rules. Just as fast as lightening three little bodies slipped into the opening of the bounce house and the fun began.

After making sure they knew what they were doing, I ran inside grabbed everything I needed to make breakfast and took it outside to the patio table. After about a half hour they emerged wanting breakfast. I was surprised that after breakfast Amber and Kyler decided they wanted to go swimming. Kyler decided that he wanted to swim like Amber with just water wings on so we found the green pair and in he went. The skinny little kid just couldn’t stay above water, so he got out of the water and got another pair of water wings and put them on two. He looked like some strong armed weight lifter. It worked, he stayed above the water, but what a sight he was with two sets of water wings, goggles, and a snorkel. Amber decided that she was going to be a swimming teacher and she had Kyler doing front floats, back floats, push off’s and some other fancy stroke I have never seen before. Quinton on the other hand went back to the bounce house to play. He really isn’t a pool person right now.

After a bit we all headed into the house. The campers wanted to play downstairs and I had laundry to do. They found my arm weights and Amber started them doing exercises with the weights. I had to step in when she had them throwing the weights up a little bit and catching them. We decided that we should probably go outside and inflate the bounce house and have another play session before lunch.

After lunch it really looked like it might rain so I brought inside all the loose stuff and covered over the blower motor. The camper’s had a 90 minute rest time. As soon as the timer went off we hurried outside to inflate the house and start jumping. The sun was shining when we went out, but in about 15 minutes the clouds came in and it rained for about half an hour. After the rain the sun came out again and I really wanted the bounce house inflated so it would dry off. Kyler came outside with me and we plugged it in. The weirdest thing was that anywhere there was a seam the air came out of and the water bubbled. Kyler went inside the bounce house and took towels and dried it all down. He was so good at this job. I wiped the outside off. By this time the other two were eager to bounce. We were so lucky to get another half an hour of jumping in before Jason came to take down the house.

It was already after 5, but everyone wanted to go swimming because they were hot from jumping. We got into the pool and once again the clouds moved in. Lucky for us the rain was really light and we were able to stay in the pool until Uncle Jack and Papa got home from work. I couldn’t seem to fill up the older two during supper, they ate everything in sight.

After supper the campers asked to see the Atlantis movie again and they just hung out watching the movie and drawing pictures. Amber decided to take all the pencil crayons and write out the colour name with the matching colour pencil crayon. She also read a book to me. Quinton decided he was hungry again and that started the other two asking for food. Three more peanut butter and sprinkle sandwiches without crusts (the squirrels are so sick of the crusts they don’t even come to the feeder anymore.) in bowls and cups of juice. After the move they headed up to bed. It is now 9:52 and we still are no where near sleeping.

Funny things:

In the morning about 15 minutes after Jason left, Kyler jumped out of the bounce house and ran up to me. “Nana, I have to go to the bathroom, make sure the man doesn’t come and take the house away.”

Amber swam over to me and said, I want to whisper in your ear. “I want to live on your street.” I told her that yes it was a nice street. She said “There are so many pools.” I guess the whispering was so that her boy cousins didn’t get the same idea.

I could hear Quinton yelling from the bathroom “Nana help someone stole all the paper.” I reached under the sink and pulled out another roll of toilet paper when he looked at me with a puzzled look and said “Why they hide it there? You a good finder.”

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