Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Best night ever

Lately Arnold and I have been having a hard time spending 'time' together. We get the time but something gets in the way. It could be something as simple as a boy who wants to snuggle with his daddy, or dresses I'm making. Or even a bike... that's right ladies and gents... a BIKE!

Well... the past few nights we have 'reconnected'. Finally we have found something we like to do together.... ok well theres more than just 1 thing we like to do together.

And now... It's Mythbusters! Yes those 2 crazy (well for the first few season) men, who every woman at one point or another thinks those men should remove their genes out of the gene pool (assuming that they haven't already lost the ability to have kids from their crazy things they do). They have become part of our evening life. We pop in one of their eposides and sit back and watch in amazement, horror and giggle while they do something silly.

My favourite part of the evening (aside from the crazies on the TV and my hubby in the same room)


Which is now gone!! Must get back on my 'health kick'... I mean training!

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